Wednesday, September 24, 2008

17 Years ago...

Oh my God, I'm so fucking old. I just found out that Nirvana's album Nevermind came out exactly 17 years ago today. I think that's long enough now to technically call it classic rock.

That album and Pearl Jam's Ten were definitive life changing albums for me. They introduced me to punk and to rock music in general. Before them, I'm ashamed to say I listened to pop music.

I was only 13 when Nevermind came out. I couldn't even imagine my life today without having had it open my mind to all sorts of new music.

I haven't actually listened to the album in years. Perhaps I'll have to give it a good listen later today. In the meantime though, I'm going to go feel old for a bit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think that's bad. Did you realize that the naked baby from the cover of Nevermind is about to graduate from high school? Meet Spencer Elden. Don't let anyone fool you. Nirvana is classic rock and you and I are both old men.