Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fringe Kinda Sucks

Ok, so I've watched the first two episodes of Fringe now, and thus far I'm not impressed. It's not really a bad show per se, it's just incredibly plain. It's like it's trying to be a new fangled super sciencey version of the x-files, but it's nowhere near as cool as the X-files. None of the characters in the show are as cool as Mulder or Scully. And thus far the first two plotlines have been kind of boring. A flesh melting virus and a super fast aging guy. Whoopdie freaking doo.

The bigger story arc of The Pattern is vaguely interesting, so the show has potential, but at the rate it's going it's going to take too long to get there.

I really am hoping the show gets better. But I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, I'm frickin' addicted to the Sarah Connor Chronicles. That show is soooooooo damn good. And now Shirley Manson (the hottest woman of all time) is on the show. And she's a T-1000. I'm totally hooked.

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